About Nick...
...Over Nick
Ik ben een zeer gepassioneerd beroepsfotograaf die efficiënt en professioneel te werk gaat, die zich discreet tussen de mensen en locaties begeeft om bijna onzichtbaar prachtige foto's voor jullie te maken. Ik doe er alles aan om de ideale foto te maken! Stiekem ben ik een perfectionist: als ik aan iets begin moet het goed zijn, een resultaat waar jij en ik trots op kunnen zijn.
papa van 2(+4) - lief van 1
Awards, Exhibitions, Press & Publications
4 Times top 100 ranked in the GURU "Imperfections" Challenge (2017)
Top 30% Ranked in the GURU "Centered" Challenge (2017)
Picked by NikonBelgium (Okt 2017)
Ended on place 12 from 13205 competitors IN ABANDONED SPACES photo Chalange (Jan 2018)
The Universe of Colour Photography 'Best of the month' award. (Jan 2018)
The Universe of Colour Photography 'Best of the month' award. (Maa 2018)
Achieved a "Top Pick" in the "BEST HDR" - Challenge.
+9.000 competitors. (Mei 2018)
Achieved a "Top Pick" in the "Tunnel Vision" - Challenge.
+12.300 competitors. (Jun 2018)
'INVASION' art Exhibition at 'Pjez Unik Antwerpen' from 09-06-18 / 02-07-18
Achieved a "Top Pick" in the "Made of Metal" - Challenge.
+16.260 competitors. (Jul 2018)
Part of the 'Summer Potpourri' Exhibition at 'Pjez Unik Antwerpen' (Aug 2018)
Achieved an 'USF award' with 'ES1000...' (Sep 2018)
The Universe of Colour Photography 'Best of the month' award with 'Desktop...'. (Sep 2018)
Achieved a "Top Pick" in the "Ugly Things, Beautiful Pictures" - Challenge.
(Sep 2018)
Achieved an 'USF award' with 'Wasted Steam...' (Okt 2018)
The Universe of Colour Photography 'Best of the month' award with 'Particles...'. (Okt 2018)
Achieved an 'USF award' with 'Shutdown...' (Okt 2018)
Achieved a "Top Pick" in the "Unique Stairs" - Challenge. (Okt 2018)
Achieved an 'USF award' with 'Dreamcatcher...' (Nov 2018)
The Universe of Colour Photography 'Best of the month' award with 'Hell Brewery...'. (Nov 2018)
Achieved an 'USF award' with 'Hutch...' (Dec 2018)
The Universe of Colour Photography 'Best of the month' award with 'Hutch...'. (Dev 2018)
Achieved a "Top Pick" in the GURU "Airplanes" - Challenge. (Jan 2019)
Achieved a "Top Pick" in the GURU "Power Supply" - Challenge. (Jan 2019)
The Universe of Colour Photography 'Best of the month' award with 'Where words leave off, music begins...' (Jun 2019)
Achieved a "Top Pick" in the GURU "Open my door" - Challenge. (Jun 2019)
AND A LOT MORE .......